Traditional Worship for Contemporary Christians

Redeemer Lutheran Church

We believe that there are people looking for a Church that is faithful to orthodox doctrine and liturgical heritage. We believe that we will appeal to people who welcome integrity and truthfulness. We make no attempt to change who or what we are or to appeal to the masses, but boldly proclaim the Word of God with it's message of pardon and power to meet the real needs of our culture.

In declaring the forgiveness of sins we acknowledge the reality of sin in our lives. We strive for doctrinal integrity in teaching and in practice.  We believe that speaking the truth in love is both necessary and desirable.

We are a sacramental church which believes that both responsibility and commitment are necessary for faithful reception of the Eucharist. We lovingly ask people to wait and receive the Lord's Supper after instruction and formal admission to our Altar.

Visit us soon and see if we are the kind of Church you are seeking.

THE HOLY EUCHARIST is normally celebrated on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of each month, Holy (Maundy) Thursday, and New Year's Eve.

COMMUNICANTS are baptized Christians  who have been instructed in and publicly confess the Evangelical-Lutheran Faith. If you are not a member and desire to commune at Redeemer, please speak with the Pastor before approaching the Altar.

THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY BAPTISM is for infants and adults, and may be arranged by contacting the Pastor for an appointment.

NEW MEMBERS are received by Baptism, Confirmation, Transfer or Profession of Faith. Please ask the Pastor for further details.

SICK & HOMEBOUND are visited by the Pastor. Please contact the Parish Office if you know of any parishioner in need of pastoral visitation.

Rev. Daniel P. McPherson, Pastor
Mr. Giorgi Chkhikvadze, Organist

Congregational Officers

President: Dr. Charles Lobdell
Vice-President: John Macauley
Elders: Dr. Wesley Borucki
Bob Schroeder
Treasurer: Charles F. Schoech
Trustees: Joseph Christmas
Matti Perkio
Charles F. Schoech
Secretary: Dr. Wesley Borucki


2300 South Dixie Highway
Between Okeechobee Blvd. and Belvedere Rd.
0.7 mile South of Okeechobee Blvd.
0.2 mile North of Belvedere Rd.

From I-95, take Exit 69 and go East on Belvedere Rd. to Dixie Hwy., then  turn left and go north for 0.2 mile.

From the Turnpike, take Exit 99, go East on Okeechobee Blvd 5.2 miles, then turn right and go south on Dixie Hwy. for 0.8 mile.

Just a few minutes south of City Place.
About 1.5 mile south of Downtown West Palm Beach.
Across the Royal Palm Way (Center) Bridge from Palm Beach.


Call anytime... 561-832-8705Please leave a message.